Wes Moore Essay

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Environmental Factors of Wes Moore “The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his” (Moore). In Decem¬ber 2000, the Bal¬ti¬more Sun ran a small piece about Wes Moore, a local stu¬dent who had just received a Rhodes Schol¬ar¬ship. The same paper also ran a series of arti¬cles about four young men who had allegedly killed a police offi¬cer in a spec¬tac¬u¬larly botched armed rob¬bery. Two kids with the same name living in the same city both fatherless. One grew up to be a Rhodes Scholar, decorated combat veteran, White House Fellow, and business leader. The other is serving a life sentence in jail. The author Wes Moore escaped the bad town and turned his life around while the other Wes Moore stayed in the rough area which shows just how much ones environment can affect how successful someone is. The author Wes Moore was born in 1978 and was just three years old when his father died in front of him. His mother, hoping for a better future for the whole family, made great sacrifices to send Wes and his sisters to private school. Wes being one of the few African Americans in an all-white school began to act out. He began to get bad grades and he even got suspended. His mother noticed these outrageous behaviors and knew she had to make a change immediately. His mother then sent Wes to military school in Pennsylvania. Wes continued to act out and tried to escape several times. Wes finally realized that this was doing no good for him and decided to stop going against the system and that he needed to be accountable for his own actions. Six years later Wes

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