The Weimar Republic was weak from the start: its collapse was always likely. How far do you agree with this judgement on the period 1919-1933?

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The Weimar Republic looked to be collapsing from the beginning. All the events that finally led to the ending of democracy in Germany were seemed to be caused by the Treaty of Versailles. The loss of the war for the Germans was a huge turning point as it was seem that the Allies wanted to crush Germany. They were unable to pay the reparations, as extremists from both the right and left wing found the war guilt clause unacceptable. When the Germans had lost World War I, had a huge impact back in Germany. Unfortunately the Weimar Republic was being started at the same point as when the war had ended. With this glooming over the beginning of Weimar many people were blaming them for the loss of the War. There were few things that were in the Treaty in which gave problems which led to events in which the Weimar would later have to deal with. One of the restrictions put on the Germans was the amount of Soldiers that they could have. No more than 100,000 troops were to be in the army which left many soldiers frustrated. Most of these soldiers ended up joining nationalist’s party and extremists parties from both sides. With the extremists gathering members and supporters from ex-soldiers to Germans they were becoming a threat to the Weimar. The reason why so many people joined these extremists was that in the Treaty of Versailles the Germans would have to accept ‘the War guilt clause’. Everyone found this an outrage as the Germans eventually signed the Treaty. The Govterment system that was put in through the Weimar was democracy. This new system was new to Germany and looked to be crumbling after the first few years. The country had a militaristic past as which had gave the President some concerns that the old elite may try and overturn the Weimar with much support. Whilst this have always been overlooked it could never not be a concern as it could of collapse the
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