Weber on the Spirit of Capitalism and Its Questionable Utility to Society

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Weber on the Spirit of Capitalism and its Questionable Utility to Society Weber, in his book, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, aims to examine the motivations as well as the events behind the formation of the spirit of capitalism. The development of the spirit of capitalism, as described by Weber, can be understood as a facet of the development of economic rationalism1. At the same time, he believes that the ‘Protestant Ethic’ was vital for the perpetuation of the capitalist spirit. However, a problem arises because the ‘Protestant Ethic’ - or any religious/fanatic basis for that matter – transcends (or ignores) rational thought. His task, therefore, is to identify the roots of the spirit of capitalism with respect to the Protestant Ethic. In this essay, I will attempt to divine the characteristics of this so-called ethic, which allow the spirit of capitalism to flourish. In order to accomplish this, I will divide this essay into two sections. In the first section, I will define and explain certain concepts and terms used by Weber that are critical to his arguments. After I have established a framework to work within, I will discuss Weber’s conceptualization of the Protestant ethic, and how it relates to the dominance of the capitalist spirit across cultures and countries. Weber uses the term ‘spirit of capitalism’ technically throughout the book, and it is an important – if not the most important – concept to understand if we are to make sense of his claims. However, even Weber does not have a concrete definition of the term. In fact, he claims that the idea is a union of several elements from historical reality2. Only from this union can we draw the cultural and historical significance that would otherwise remain concealed. Let us start at a common point and an easy concept to agree upon: capitalism. Capitalism can be defined as an economic

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