Max Weber On Rationalisation And Bureaucracy

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This essay will attempt to describe rationalization and bureaucracy according to Max Weber. It will then define rationalisation and bureaucracy. In order for Weber to have made sense of what was going on during the protestant era, he had to rationalize why people were not enjoying their money. He then had to look at the protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism. Furthermore, the essay will donate to link the aforesaid historical phenomenon’s (protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism) to the advantages and of bureaucracy; it will also critically discuss the conflict theory (Karl Marx) and the functional theory (Weber) then critically discuss Weber and Marx views on class social stratification and status, it also going to discuss four values of social action and lastly answer the question why I support his ideas. Weber, by rationalisation, meant the process by which explicit, abstract, intellectually calculable rules and procedures are increasingly substituted for sentiment, tradition and rules of thumb in all spheres of activities (Wrong, 1970:26).What weber basically mean by this definition is that the social actions for people are becoming more and more based on fulfilling self-luxury rather than motivations drives like tradition, morality etc. For example, if you could ask a very determined and successful business man, why he works so hard to keep his business functioning and alive, he will answer that he is working for his children and grandchildren to have good life (Geddens, 1971:), whereas bureaucracy is the specialized adherence to fixed rules and hierarchical fixed authority (Website 1).This definition basically mean that bureaucracy is a type of domination that is organized hierarchically with strict chains of command from top to bottom(Website 1). Looking at the vesting that constitute this essay, it is definitely clear that the essay will
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