Ideology: The Concept Of Fundamentalism

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The following essay is based on ideologies, it will consider the concept of ideology itself and why it's so often carried negative associations, also look at the concept anarchist and why the demand the impossible and lastly look at feminism and fundamentalism and why it has grown in significant and if they have the potential to displace conventional thought. Why has the concept of ideology so often carried negative associations? Ideology is a group of ideas, beliefs, or position taken that comes to a decision about a view with which to take as having a certain cause grouping and political material facts. Political ideology has been a confusing topic for social analysts, and those who attempted to eschew judgmental reductions of others’ conceptions…show more content…
Karl Marx’s negative connotation to the word i.e. “delusion and mystification” also plays a big part. Marx applied ideology as a critical notion whose use is to expose a course of systematic perplexity. Engels referred to ideology as “false consciousness” Marx distinguished his ideas as scientific as they were constructed precisely to unmask the workings of history and society (encyclopaedia of philosophy 2005 p100). The difference between ideology and science, "false and truth’ is highlighted and therefore crucial to his usage of the term. Karl treated ideology as a fleeting actuality. Ideology is also related to the class scheme, a scheme that Marx believed to reflect the interests of the ruling class in society. Liberalism is considered the standard example of ideology because it depicts the rights exclusive to the privileged as universal rights. Ideology is a demonstration of power. It hides its exploitation of the lower class by concealing the discrepancies in which capitalism is based, thus endorsing a system of differing class…show more content…
Peter Kropotkin explained this in terms of 'common mutual aid'. which he argued had been undergone growth within to do with man's nature through the process of natural development. Kropotkin offered a theory of natural development that made a comparison starkly with Darwin. Darwin stressed that natural development makes coming into existence benefits of competition and trouble. Kropotkin by opposite stressed the more chances of a "mutual aid" and working together. This tendency for common mutual aid help high-lights the possible state of a natural order and act without conscious thought, harmony making a point of that the state is unnecessary as well as wrong-doing. all together person for living without government's do not be was dependent on upon things taken as certain about to do with man nature by oneself. They also emphasize that good Ethics of certain grouping deeply rooted ways of acting, of interest ones that be a mother to working together and grouping acting together and keep self- interest and competition at bay. For an altogether persons for living without government, common owner-ship is the grouping and of money and a good base for a peaceful, hard to move and in-harmony, yet stateless society, especially in the Case of
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