How According to Marx Does Religion Benefit the Ruling Class

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For Marxists, society is one of capitalist nature. Marx believed that there is conflict between the rich and the poor and that the capitalist society is designed to keep the poor in their place. This social divide is between the ruling class (The Bourgeoisie) and the subject class (The Proletariat). This is known as the relations of production, which is used to exploit the working class. When it comes to religion, Marx believed that it was beneficial to the ruling class and that religion is used as a tool of oppression against the masses. Marx stated that religion and ideology had clear similarities in that they both have a monopoly on the truth, leading to the belief that religion is an Ideological State Apparatus, used to maintain capitalist rule. Marx thought that religion was there to prevent the proletariat from becoming aware of their exploitation and he sees religion as “the opium of the people”. Meaning that religion is used to pacify the subject class so they are blind to capitalist rule, keep them in their place and assist in the oppression of society. As a tool of oppression, religion is seen to dull the pain of the oppressed, making the harsh reality of a capitalist society seem bearable. Marx claimed that there are four ways in which religion does this: The promise of the afterlife allows us to believe that we will be rewarded with eternal bliss. Christianity promises “salvation from bondage and misery”. This benefits the bourgeoisie as it makes life on earth more bearable and distracts the proletariat from the pain of oppression, allowing the capitalist society to continue. Compensation from suffering allows you to believe that if you deal with suffering and poverty with dignity and humility, then you will be rewarded. Religion makes suffering more bearable and portrays it as a test. The ruling class benefit from this because it means that
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