Assess The View That Marxism And Functionalism Are Utopian Ideologies

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Assess the view that Marxism and Functionalism are Utopian ideologies. The view that Marxism and Functionalism are utopian is highly debateable. Karl Mannheim defined an ideology as “a set of beliefs used to justify and perpetuate an existing social order and reproduce class inequality” and a utopia as “a utopian set of beliefs about how the world could be organised in the future. Utopian ideologies tend to be formed by oppressed groups who want radical change”. Marxism is the belief that the bourgeoisie’s position is implemented to minimalise class conflict and legitimise inequality. The ruling classes manipulate these ideas in every corner of society, even art, law and education. This view is outlined in “The Communist Manifesto”, written by Karl Marx. They believe that by removing class inequality, a society without poverty, crime and all of the problems in modern society will no longer be a problem, allowing everybody to share and co-exist. Under Mannheim’s definition of an ideology, Marxism would be seen as a utopian ideology. It is a set of beliefs by the downtrodden, creating an image of the perfect future. However, in some societies, the Marxist ideology works. Kibbutz is a collective community in Israel which was based on agriculture. Kibbutzim were a utopian community, using a combination of Socialism and Zionism. However, even in the social utopia of sharing, problems still arise. The fact that that now all Jewish beliefs are uniform affected the moralistic and structural supports of Kibbutzim, and over many years made the kibbutzim people split, making the Kibbutzim break down. During the 1980s, following
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