Marxism In The Hunger Games

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"The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins portrays a futuristic society set in a post-apocalyptic world; the novel exemplifies the perversion of Karl Marx's theory known as Marxism and the struggles between social classses. Collins shows the various ways in which a communistic society can be corrupted. It is human nature, to be greedy, selfish, lazy, and decietful; this is what ultimately forces Marxism to be an impossibility. A communistic based society would have no need for government simply because each individual would be more than willing to live their life according to the laws and ideas of Marxism. There would be a much greater chance of success for communism, if the location/environment was smaller and consisted solely of those in complete non-forceful compliance. The novel "The Hunger Games", by Suzanne Collins shows the negative effects of a society's attempt at Marxism through the downfall from human nature, corruption of the government, and the incapability to control a large nation. On paper, Marxism seems as if it is a full proof plan; if that is so, then why hasn't the world come to embrace Karl Marx's theory? Human Nature is the answer. Studies have proven that it is one's human nature to think, be, and act selfishly - always putting oneself before others. In most cases, this is not a constant or severe factor, but it is always apparent. For either communism or Marxism to work sufficiently, the selfishness and greed that comes with human nature would have to be nonexsistant. In "The Hunger Games", the protaganist Katniss as well as other characters, show selflessness in their actions by looking out for the greater good of their family, friends, and neighbors, rather than themselves. Katniss shows great honor and loyalty, when she takes the place of her younger sister in the anual Hunger Games. By doing this, Katniss is endangering her life and
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