Was Collectivization Under Stalin A Success?

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In 1928, Joseph Stalin, now leader of the USSR, knew that the agricultural sector had to be made more efficient in order for it to feed the huge workforce which would take Russia through industrialisation. In his ascent to power, Stalin criticised Lenin's New Economic Policy for its Capitalistic features and so, through the Gosplan, a centrally controlled economy was created which subsequently gave birth to the five-year-plans and Collectivisation. By removing the Kulaks (wealthy peasants), combining numerous small holdings into one large farm and introducing modern equipment, collective farms were established. There is no doubt that this was a much more Socialist policy than the NEP, but whether it was successful is highly debatable: it would entirely depend on the interpretation of the word 'success' which, for this essay at least, will be that it has benefitted the majority of the people it has affected. However, it would be all too easy for one's opinion to be based entirely on the increase in agricultural output after 1928. Due to Collectivisation, grain productions rose to almost 100 million tonnes in 1937, allowing Russia to trade with other countries and strengthen their economy. This increase in productivity, though not a major change, was extremely important to Stalin if he wished to achieve industrialisation in such a small space of time. However this was not a drastic improvement and it is difficult to see how this, what would be considered, minor increase in output can be classed as a success. The fact that Collectivisation wasn't leagues better than the NEP in terms of productivity could be excused by its socialist nature. Marx, Lenin and Stalin were all in agreement that for true Communism to be achieved, Socialism must come first. And collective farms were a step in the right direction. The introduction of mechanised equipment such as tractors
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