War In Iraq

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War in Iraq My political knowledge is essentially non-existent. I have discovered the more I learn about our government and its actions the less I wish I knew. My limited political knowledge comes mainly from the sensationalized and biased mainstream media. When approaching this paper I was directed towards a book, Fiasco, written by Thomas E. Ricks. I worked individually on my paper to research the topic of the war in Iraq and more specifically, President Bush’s policy on this topic. My initial intended focus for my research started with the presidential election debates during 2004 but was redirected to the current President’s policy on the war in Iraq. This transition was, in large part, due to my reading from Fiasco.…show more content…
It was declared the “Pentagon days before stated that war would cost somewhere between $50 and $60 billion”. It is true that some individuals within President Bush’s Administration believed this prediction was way to low. For example, NY Times article printed that former White House economic advisor Lawrence Lindsey had a counter prediction that the total costs of the Iraq war would be closer to “200 billion”. It is of interest to note that the “President due to this prediction would fire Lindsey”. This one sided view of the President and his administration will be seen again and again. Nonetheless, the costs of the war are now ten times that original predicted cost, and some economists are now predicting that the war will exceed “1.2 trillion”…show more content…
Among those in the President’s Administration who seemed to favor war were: Vice President Richard Cheney, then National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz. Of these people, it is perhaps Rumsfeld who would play a greater role in the current trends and failures of the Iraq war. This statement gains support by witnessing the various arguments that Rumsfeld had with other members of the President’s Administration, including then Secretary of State Colin Powell, and with members of the military. Thomas E. Ricks’ book, titled Fiasco, demonstrates the arguments and power struggles that happened in the President’s Administration during the early stages of the war (Ricks

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