Wales and England 1780-1886

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HY1 – Examples for Mock Exam. Question 1 – Booklet ONE only!!! a) Explain why the actions of the government caused disappointment, 1790-1832. [24] There was discontent with the actions of the government was during Pitt’s ministry. In order to raise revenue for the French Wars, Pitt introduced indirect taxation on the rich, on things such as candles. In addition, he introduced income tax on incomes over £60 a year, again affecting the rich. This caused disappointment amongst the upper classes. In addition, Pitt’s actions against radicalism caused disappointment and fuelled unrest. For example, the Habeas Corpus was suspended. This meant that radicals were imprisoned without a fair trial, causing discontent with the government. In addition, the Combination Laws banned trade unions, which meant that workers were unable to look after their rights. This caused disappointment towards the government. This disappointment is clearly shown by the growth of radical activity, which resulted in unrest during the period. For example, 100,000 attended a meeting of the London Corresponding Society in 1795, to protest at hunger and parliamentary corruption. There was also disappointment with the actions of the government during Liverpool’s ministry, 1812-22. For example, the Corn Laws were introduced in 1815. This caused disappointment as it meant that no foreign corn could be imported until the price of British corn reached 80s a quarter. This had the effect of pushing the price of bread up, which badly affected the working classes, as they could no longer afford their staple diet. This caused disappointment as the government (the landed interest) seemed to be looking after themselves by ensuring high profits. Their handling of taxation reveals the same. For example, income tax was abolished in 1816. This was replaced by indirect tax on every goods.
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