Volvo Village Essay

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16/07/11 Volvo Village Case Study Enterprise Models Assignment Divya B 1) Describe Village Volvo’s service package. * Supporting facility- new butler building with 4 work bays, office, waiting area, and storage room. Waiting area is equipped with a TV, comfortable chairs. * Facilitating goods- Village Volvo offers quick, routine services such as tune-ups and oil changes. * Information - customer care vehicle dossier * Explicit service- Training of service personnel, smooth running vehicle after tune up, test drives are done after repair to ensure that vehicles are running as expected, clean cars after the repair, **availability** - shifts available for quick routine checks * Implicit service – Attitude of service: * Friendly and skill mechanics * Mechanics provide details and particulars of every problem of the car clients. * They also act as advisor and consultant to the clients. * happy and satisfied customers * alert post card 2) Village Volvo exemplifies many characteristics of a service firm. List and explain the distinctive characteristic of a service firm and specific attributes of Village Volvo which exemplify those characteristics. -Customer participation in the service process: Clients also can play an active part during the reparation process; the owner-mechanics who will be working on the vehicle and the client discuss the problems the client has noticed. On occasion, the mechanic may take a short test drive with the client to be certain that both understand the area of concern * Using appointments or scheduling shifts to vary the work force needs. * Fixed time for quick routine jobs such as tune ups and buyer checks of used cars * The owners of the Village Volvo have a 22 year combined years of training and experience. * 3) Characterize Village Volvo in regard to
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