Vagina Monologue Essay

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The monologue that I thought best persuades, informs, entertains, explores, and expresses self is, My Angry Vagina. The woman that is speaking her mind in this monologue is obviously trying to express her feelings over how doctors and tampons treat her vagina. A quote from the text that describes the women informing and persuading people about tampons is, “Like tampons—what the hell is that? A wad of dry fucking cotton stuffed up there. Why can’t they find a way to subtly lubricate the tampon? As soon as my vagina sees it, it goes into shock” (Pg. 70). This quote is a great example of how she thinks tampons should be fixed, and she gives examples of how companies could fix tampons to make them more comfortable. Another example of how the women in this story persuades her thoughts is when she persuades her readers that exams for vaginas need to be more comfortable. The women complained that the paper dress scratches her tits, the dull colored rubber gloves are boring, the insanely close flashlight to her vagina, and the freezing cold duck lips on her vagina make her feel incredibly uncomfortable. Furthermore, the women also gives examples of how these problems could be fixed; for example, purple velvet dresses, pink and blue gloves, feathery cotton spread for her back, and warm duck lips would make the exam more pleasant, instead of torcher. Basically the woman in this story wants her vagina to be treated special and comfortable during her exams. In conclusion, I think that this monologue covers all of the requirements for it to be considered a persuasive, informative, entertaining, and self-expressed
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