V for Vendetta

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Compare/Contrast 1984 and V for Vendetta Let's make a list first. -84: more paranoia because of lack of laws -vfv:restrictions made it easier to know WHEN you would be in trouble -84:thought police came at night -vfv: also came at night -84: disapperances were not spoken of -vfv: not sure, focused on Evie -84: chastity was promoted, homosexuality not mentioned -vfv: family structure intact, homosexuality not permitted. Firstly, the difference in the way behavior is regulated in the two societies varies greatly. In 1984, the people of Oceania are extremely afraid to do anything that is not routine. Even changing their route to work is cause enough to be arrested for thoughtcrime. While some things were obvious, such as not participating in the Two Minutes Hate, other things were not so clearcut, such as facial expressions. Who is committing thoughtcrime? How do you know? We all know that you can't tell. But, in case you were wondering, it's the girl in the back. In comparison, in the film V for Vendetta, the city of London had stict laws which everyone was aware of, the most prominient of which was the curfew imposed upon the citizens. In this London society, the general public was well aware of the consequences that their actions would produce. In the movie, Gordon, owned a Qu'ran as well as a famous painting that had been banned. He knew that possession of either item would result in death, and kept them hidden in his home. Had he never been arrested, the police would have never known that Gordon had those possessions. Next, in both societies, the police always came at night. Looking at this, I didn't initially see a privacy violation here. But, in reanalyzing the situation, I realized that it was an invasion of privacy. At night, in our own homes, we feel safe, feel comfortable in doing whatever we please. Running around naked (not that I do,
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