Comparison Of Scarlet Letter 'And The Minister's Black Veil'

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Unknown Darkness To write about things nobody likes to talk about or even mention in real life makes Nathaniel Hawthorne a great poet and a famous one at that. Hawthorne wrote so much about the American Colonies and how they lived their lives, he captured the smallest details of that time. Imagine being a writer in those times trying to find things to write about, in some of his poems you can see what a morbid mind he had, and it’s possibly due to his environment. Some of his Ancestors were direct descendants of Puritan judges. Which might have influenced his all famous “Scarlet Letter” and “The Minister’s Black Veil”, both these poems evoke each readers own personal judgments on human nature. His early ancestors were judges at the Salem Witch Trials; his family was known for this history which confused Hawthorne and what he thought of his family. Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts. He grew up with his mom and two sisters; his father was a sea captain and passed away when Nathaniel was only 4 years old. He spent his time mostly in Maine and Salem and attended Bowdoin College. There, he attended classes…show more content…
By nature people are afraid of the unknown, and when something changes people assume the worst even with just an appearance. Just like in the story people don’t go directly to the person to ask them why, but just to sneer and make rumors. Where do we learn not to directly approach a person if something is odd about them? We all do it, even I do it. Even if its family we don’t ask, just assume. My family has always liked to keep secrets and not tell me a thing or anyone else at that fact. This story was so long ago but we still do the same things today. We all have skeletons in our closet that we are not proud of, yet our secrets are not revealed. It could be a small thing of thought or reaction but it’s never worth saying out

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