Unit Cu791 Essay

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Unit CU791: Communicate Using Customer Service Language 1. Identify customers and their characteristics and expectations. 2.1 In my organisation, we don’t have ‘typical’ customers as we attract a wide range of people, varying from workplaces including construction to office buildings. As my organisation is classed as a ‘rounds person’ we can only serve registered customers, and not the general public, therefore we have a set or regular clients of whom we know on a first name basis and can easily recognise. Their expectations are exchanging the goods or services they have paid for (food, drinks, coffees prepared), in a friendly and professional manner. 2. Identify their organisation’s services and products. 3.2 I can outline my organisation’s services and products to customers by giving them our own ‘Cafe2U’ branded menu which includes all of our details and information with a priced list of all our available produce. Another way would to be to inform them face-to-face if they enquired about a given question such as ‘what do you sell here’ which I would lead on to tell/show them our coffee, food and drinks menu. 3.3 When greeting customers, I smile politely and ask them ‘how can I help?’ and make general small talk (the weather, any plans for the weekend) whilst delivering their goods or services. 3.4 The information I need to deliver effective customer service includes my organisation’s product price list and available services. To uphold my organisations standards of customer service, that information can be found in my Cafe2U employee handbook. 3. Know how to communicate using customer service language. 4.5 An external customer is a ‘typical’ customer who purchases products or services directly from our organisation. Internal customers include people who work within in your organisation directly with you,

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