Unit 3 Id's Apush

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Candace Heller Unit III: Nationalism and Sectionalism, Jacksonian Democracy, Reform, Manifest Destiny, Economy, Slavery and the South, and the Early 1850’s. 1824-1853 1. Growth of Industry in New England, Textiles: The growth of industry required certain technological advances and the development of a new type of business organization. 2. Samuel Slater: In 1790, a young English-born genius named Samuel Slater, employed by the Rhode Island merchant firm of Almy and Brown, began to spin cotton thread by machine in the first effective factory in the US. Migrated from Britain in 1789, having served as an apprentice under Richard Arkwright and then as a mill manager. He used his knowledge to build the first successful cotton-spinning mill in this country. Slater installed his machines in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, where the first successful factory was constructed. 3. Robert Fulton, Clermont: Fulton was a young American artist and engineer who was experimenting with steam navigation, and agreed to finance work. In 1807, after returning to NY, Fulton constructed the North River Steam Boat, famous to history as the Clermont. The Clermont was 142 feet long, 18 feet abeam, and drew 7 feet of water. With its towering stack belching black smoke, its side wheels could push it along at a steady 5 miles an hour. Nothing about it was radically new, but Fulton brought the essential –engine, boiler, paddle wheels, and hull into proper balance and thereby produced and efficient vessel. 4. Eli Whitney, Cotton gin, Interchangeable parts: In 1800, a youthful graduate of Yale College, Eli Whitney, having contracted to make 10,000 rifles for the government, succeeded in manufacturing them by such precise methods that the parts were interchangeable, a major step toward the perfection of the assembly-line system of production. Whitney invented the
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