Unit 264 Principles of Infection

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Unit 4222-264 the Principles of Infection Prevention and Control Outcome 1 1.1 As an employee it is our responsibility to adhere to company policies and procedures as well as those implemented by localised procedures. This means any communicable diseases which are notifiable, must be brought to the attention of the appropriate authority if I have any concerns what so ever regarding the management of infectious diseases in the workplace, I should record and contact line manager, who will seek professional advice. All employees must also observe general Precautions, other rules specific to a particular work activity must also be observed. Preventing infection Employees can help by: Washing hands when appropriate Keeping equipment clean Remaining vigilant and reporting potential hazards Attending infection control training and keeping updated Wearing Personal Protective Equipment Maintaining personal hygiene Disposing of waste correctly 1.2 Employers have a duty of care to all employees under the health and safety legislation, which gives the employers the responsibility to protect employees from danger and harm, as far as possible. Employers must provide a safe work place Carry out risk assessments to assess the dangers of certain work activities Provide training for all staff Provide personal protective equipment Ensure regular health and safety checks are undertaken Employer’s responsibilities extend to protecting employees from the risk posed by biological hazards such as blood, body fluids and associated infections. Within the work place the employer has infection prevention and control policies and procedures in place for all staff to adhere to. The Company will have a good understanding of the general care of SU and staff and will be able to respond appropriately in the event of possible infection outbreak, IE arranging for swabs

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