Unit 201 Essay

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Unit 201 Understand employment responsibilities and rights in health, social care or children and young people’s setting Outcome 1 Know the statutory responsibilities and rights of employees and employers within own area of work 1. List the aspects of employment covered by law Disability Discrimination Act Children and young people now have the right to be educated along others. Our setting finds ways of adapting the premises and ways of working that will include all children and young people. This means that any child or young person will not be turned away from the setting because of their disability. We will make sure that the young person and their families are identified and given support throughout the time spent at this setting. Also to include the young person in decisions that will affect them. Health and safety All rooms and equipment used by children and young people should have regular checks to ensure that everything is working well and is safe. Some of these checks are required by law, e.g. electrical equipment must be checked by a qualified electrician every year. Safeguarding Promoting children’s welfare and putting measures in place to improve children’s safety and prevent abuse. Part of the safeguarding process where it is necessary to take action when there is a reasonable belief that the child is at risk of significant harm. 2. List the main features of current employment legislation Employment Rights, Equalities and Discrimination law and Health and safety legislation. 3. Outline why legislation relating to employment exists * Minimum wage Legally, as a new employee, or when entering a new contract at work, your employer must present you with a written document informing you of your agreed rate. Normally contained in your contract of employment, it should also state the intervals at which you will be paid.
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