Explain How Policies Help Children

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This assignment will discuss how policies and procedures help children, young people and their families whilst the child is being looked after. Every Child Matters is a shared programme of change to improve outcomes for all children and young people. It takes forward the Government's vision of radical reform for children, young people and families. It is a new approach to the well being of children and young people from birth to nineteen. There are 5 outcomes that were identified to be the most important to children and young people’s well-being. These were: Being Health which involves being physically, mentally, sexually, and emotionally healthy as well as living a healthy lifestyle. Staying safe from maltreatment, neglect, violence and sexual exploitation, have security, stability and be cared for. Enjoy and achieve by attending…show more content…
There is also undisputable evidence that smoking not only affects the smoker but it also harms those in the immediate environment. When a child enters the care system they have a care plan. So if for instance a child who is a smoke enters the care system there will be strategies within the care plan that will help decrease the amount they smoke eventually leading up to them quitting altogether such strategies are health education, medical treatment, focused direct work through key working sessions and other strategies however if there is a lack of commitment from the child/young person it should not become a reason to stop the care plan and other strategies should be taken. The second policy that I will talk about is safeguarding. This policy states that it is the care professional’s responsibility to ensure that children are protected from abuse and that a suitable response is made when allegations of abuse
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