Unit 1; an Introduction to Working with Children

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Unit 1; An introduction to working with children Section 1: E1; Describe three different types of settings which provide care and education for children in your area. A statutory service in my area is my local primary school; the government funds this type of service, by law they have to provide for children and their families. They follow the national curriculum which entails key stage 1 for years 1 – 2 and key stage 2 for years 3 – 6, the primary school caters for children from the ages of 4 – 11. ‘The role of the government is either directly to provide statutory services or to supervise them through government departments’ (Tassoni.P.2007; 331) A voluntary service in my area is my local youth club, this type of service is voluntary and funded by charities it means people don’t pay for the service but drop along. A private service in my local area is a private nursery, this means that government does not pay for anything towards it and funds are raised through the people attending. This nursery follows the early years foundation stage and is for children 0 – 5. E2; Describe how each of the types of settings identified in E1 aims to support children and their families. Primary School: By 2010 all schools should provide access to a range of 'extended services' for children, young people and families. A school offering access to extended services works in partnership with its local authority and Children's Trust, as well as with other local schools and partners from the voluntary, community and private sectors, to offer access to: • a varied range of before and after school activities, including study support such as homework clubs, sport, music, arts in a safe place to be for primary and secondary schools • childcare 8am-6pm, 48 weeks a year for primary schools, on school

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