Understanding The Traditional Canons Of Rhetoric:

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Work with the five points of Burke's pentad and several ratios to analyze the following editorial, which was on "The Scrivener," a web site that welcomes submissions from high school writers. First of all, consider the act as Mike Cameron's wearing the Pepsi shirt to school. What would you say about the other four points in the pentad? Which ratios would you emphasize in taking an inventory of what the author, Joel Caris, did in the piece? Then think of the act as Mike Cameron's suspension from Greenbrier High School, and answer the same questions. Finally, consider the act as the prize money awarded by the Coca- Cola Bottling Comapany. • Act: What happened? • Scene: When and where did it happen? • Agent: Who did it? • Agency: How was it done? • Purpose: Why was it done? 1. Act: Mike Cameron wore the Pepsi shirt to school. Scene: Greenbrier High School; Evans, Georgia Agent: Mike Cameron who goes to a public school and should be able to wear whatever he wanted as long as it was in school dress code. Agency: Mike Cameron wore the shirt to school because he wanted to. Purpose: Mike was entitled to wear whatever he wanted to school. 2. Act: Mike Cameron's suspension from Greenbrier High School. Scene: Greenbrier High School; Evans, Georgia Agent: Mike Cameron who wore a Pepsi shirt to school or Coke Day. Agency: He was suspended from school for wearing the shirt. Purpose: The administrators probably felt that Mike Cameron was trying to be funny, or maybe even rebellious for wearing the pepsi shirt. 3. Act: The prize money awarded by the Coca- Cola Bottling Company. Scene: Greenbrier High School; Evans, Georgia Agent: Coca- Cola Bottling Company who makes the popular Coke. Agency: The nation wide contest was held to help promote the Coca- Cola company. Purpose: The contest was

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