Underrepresentation of Minority Students in Gifted Education

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Running Head: Underrepresentation of Minority Students Underrepresentation of Minority Students in Gifted Education Bonita Green North Carolina Central University Abstract The underrepresentation of minorities in gifted education is a persistent problem in the American educational system. Concerns over recruiting and retaining minority students in gifted education programs have persisted for several decades, and, although many educators, policymakers, and researchers have deliberated about the underrepresentation of minority students in gifted education. This paper seeks to fill this void, describing factors that inhibit the recruitment and retention of minority students in gifted education programs. These factors include screening and identification issues (example: definitions and instrumentation); educational issues (example: quality of students' education); and personnel issues (example: lack of teacher training in gifted and urban education, low teacher referral). Also discussed are retention issues, namely, factors that may affect the decision of minority students to remain in gifted education programs. Finally, recommendations for recruiting and retaining minority students through multiple measure identification procedures to increase ethnic diversity are offered. Many articles and studies on gifted minority students have focused on concerns of identification primarily because some minority groups of gifted learners, particularly Blacks and Hispanics American, and Native Americans have been underrepresented in gifted programs. While there is an obvious need to escalate the participation of minority students in gifted education programs. The identification of gifted students that are minorities, from low socioeconomic s
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