Tv Advert Rant

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Sun bingo advert - English rant I was thinking, what makes me hate adverts so much? Is it their annoyingness? Is it their stupidity? Or is it their not-so-funny humour? Adverts are something that everyone wants to escape from which is why I adore the BBC; I can watch a movie without having to listen to annoying jingles in between that make me forget what happened in the movie before the break. Unfortunately, not every channel is like the BBC and the BBC doesn’t have all the good programs. This is why I end up watching the adverts. But there is ONE advert that keeps on haunting me. The new sun bingo advert: Eurgh! I will book a free mental hospital appointment for the person who thought up the idea. I mean seriously, it is the most annoying-est advert EVER! Everything from the setting, to the woman to her hair, and the maddening jingle (oh the jingle!) annoys the brains out of me. The advert starts with two average women in unpleasant sweaty tracksuits trying to follow a workout video in their living room. Suddenly a mad, mental, malicious, woman appear out of thin air and squeals at the top of her voice “I’d rather be playing sun bingo!”. What is she trying to say? Don’t exercise, it is better to sit in front of your computer screen and gamble your money away? Well I’m very sorry but I think that I will be better off exercising the weight off my body than gambling the weight of my purse away. It just doesn’t make any sense. Another thing that doesn’t make sense is the crazy woman’s crazy hair - it’s just crazy! It is literally a few yellow sponges cut into different sized balls and stuck on the top of her skull. If I were to make a list of things that I hate in the world, ugly hairstyles would be up there with Osama Bin Laden! The only reason for the crazy hair I could think of is that the actress has really bad hair but even then, I’m sure that the actress’s

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