Treaty Of Versailles

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Q. How important was resentment over the Treaty of Versailles in explaining the rise to power of the Nazi Party in Germany between 1919-33? The resentment over the Treaty of Versailles is very important in explaining the rise to power of the Nazi Party in Germany between 1919-33. Aswel as the Treaty of Versailles, there were many other factors that could be blamed for the rise of the of the Nazi party ,including the Weimar Republic, Nazi ideology and perhaps most importantly the Economic Factors. The treaty of versailles was one of the peace treaties signed at the end of ww1 after months of argument and negotiation amongst the "big three" to what the treaty should contain. Germany dispised the treaty as they believed it was harsh and treated them unfairly. One of the reasons for which the treaty of Versailles was so harsh on the Germans was that everybody wanted to punish Germany for its crimes. One of its main crimes was having starting the war, which was considered the worst crime against humanity. Another was the Zeppelin air raids. That was the first time that there were casualties away from the battlefields. This time, the ones who died were the civilians, the innocent women and children who were killed for the sole purpose of reducing morale. The second reason was that the whole world wanted to avoid a repetition of the first world war. One way of achieving this was by stripping Germany of its abilities to strike again. Some terms of the Treaty were that Germanys army was reduced to 100,000 men and were not aloud tanks. Germany lost a lot of land and they suffered financially. Germany also had to admit full responsibility for starting the war and were made to pay reparations (about 6,600m). Germany felt this was unfair and felt cheated and angry. Germany lost 13% of its land, 12% of its people, 48% of its iron resources, 15% of it agricultural production
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