Treatment Center Ethical Dilemmas

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Working with people for long periods gives room for relationships and repore to be established. In a business setting between employees and clients this can cause moral and ethical issues to arise. As an employee of a substance abuse treatment center, it is encouraged that staff build a repore as well as a relationship with clients, but the relationship is to be stopped when a client graduates the program and is discharged. This causes a moral dilemma in decisions that can be life-changing for both the client and the employee. Moral dilemmas are best defined as “to be faced with a situation in which no matter what one does, one does wrong” (Hughes, 2012, p. 1). Person A is employed at a substance abuse treatment center with a program, which lasts anywhere from 28 to 90 days. This is enough time to get to know and care for a person who is trying to get his or her life back. As an employee of a substance abuse center, showing clients that recovery works, that people care, and teaching clients about 12 step programs is part of the job. This leads to the building of relationships between staff and clients. Clients feel safe with the person who guided and showed him or her the way, so when discharged and a situation arises the client reaches out to the person he or she feels safest with.…show more content…
Three of them reached out only to be denied the help they so desperately needed by the only person they trusted, which was me. Person B’s death was not the first of the three who reached out but his certainly has been the hardest to deal with thus far. In this field more loss of life is certain to happen. After the passing of the 14 clients, weighing the importance of keeping a job to pay bills, having food to eat, and a place to live versus the loss of life is re-evaluated daily. If time could be rewound, and the situations could be re-done, those clients who reached out would never have been denied the help they were
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