To Which Extent Did Religious Beliefs and Practices Change in the Years 1540-1553?

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TO WHICH EXTENT DID RELIGIOUS BELIEFS AND PRACTICES CHANGE IN THE YEARS 1540-1553? To fully answer this question, it’s important to understand that though there were very steep changes to religious practices during 1540 and 1553, the same can’t be said for beliefs as the change was much less significant in proportion. Religion throughout the Tudor period switched between Protestantism and Catholicism depending on the monarch, and this was especially noticeable around the middle of the Tudor age. However one may argue that the changes, although frequent, were only between two religions, and therefore there remained an element of continuity. At the start of Henry VIIIs reign, most of England were Roman Catholic and accepted the Pope as the Head of the Church, but in the 16th century, and so was he until he split off the English Church from the Roman church When the Pope refused to grant Henry VIII a divorce from Catherine of Aragon. He then went on to make himself the spiritual head of the English church rather than the Pope. Henry VIII declared himself supreme head of a new Church of England. (The Act of Supremacy and reformation). The voices of statesmen and of priests extolled his wisdom and power as more than human. The Parliament itself rose and bowed to the vacant throne when his name was mentioned. An absolute devotion to his person replaced the old loyalty to the law. When the Primate of the English Church described the chief merit of Cromwell, it was by asserting that he loved the King "no less than he loved God”. This marked the start of centuries of religious conflict in Britain. However, even though Henry was a protestant, and had split from the Pope, England remained Catholic, until Henry died and his son became King. As soon as news of Henry VIIIs death reached the continent, exiled Protestants who had fled persecution in the 1530s and early 1540s
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