To What Extent Do You Agree That Chaucer Presents the Pardoner as Sinful as the Other Characters?

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To what extent do you agree that Chaucer presents the Pardoner as sinful as the other characters? Some may assume that the Pardoner was presented by Chaucer as one of the most sinful characters in this Tale. The character of the Pardoner is a self-proclaimed fraud, and slyly tricks people out of their money for a living. At the beginning of The Pardoner’s Prologue, The Pardoner indirectly admits to his crime, “…Ycrammed ful of cloutes an bones- Relikes been they, as wenen they echoon.” This suggests that the relics that The Pardoner sells to people do not belong to a real Saint. Chaucer uses The Pardoner’s character as a voice to reveal how corrupt the Catholic Church was in his time. At that time, everyone knew that the Church was cheating people out of their money by asking for taxes. The Pardoner’s were hired lay people, who were in no position to preach but the Pardoner did it anyway. This suggests that the Pardoner could be more sinful than the Church, as he is thinking of new ways to make money for him self. Also, like other pardoners in that era, the Pardoner in this Tale made his own relics out of animal bones in which he confessed, “…Have I in latoun a sholder—boon.” Chaucer uses a syntax structure in some of his sentences, which we may be unfamiliar with now but this shows the complex society that once existed and is no longer thought of as a norm. Furthermore, the sinful character of the Pardoner can be linked with Marlow’s “Dr. Faustus”, when Faustus’ character ultimately turns his back on god to sell his soul to the devil. This reflects Chaucer presenting the Pardoner as an example of the corruption in the Church, the Pardoner turns his back on god not for the devil but for money. To add on to this point, the Pardoner does not seem to even regret what he does for a living, he even tries to fool everyone even more by ranting about the “…lige lordes
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