(page 234) .Misfit says that he knows that his dad died because of flu. So, he was punished wrongly. He says, “I found out the crime don’t matter. You can do one thing or you can do another, kill a man, because sooner or later you’re going to forget what it was you done and just punished for it” (page 235). Here he says that weather you kill people or take tire of car you will be punished anyway and when you will be punished you will forgot what you did and will be punished for no reason.
Although he did kill a few people in the story, he never really wanted to. When he defeated Bonzo and Stilson, he did it so that he would not just win that fight, he’d win all of the fights that they would ever have. He never meant to kill anyone. When he found out that he killed all the buggers he started crying. The IF lied to him and told him that it was just a game when it was not.
When Jim woke up, Huck Finn tricked Jim into believing that everything had been a lie; the accident, the fog everything. Jim was very upset when he found out about this because he thought Huck, whom he considered his only true friend, had died. After seeing Jim’s reaction Huck felt guilty about what he had done. He knew that he had done wrong and apologized to Jim. This was the last time Huck ever liked to Jim like
The Coward Oedipus Is “A coward is much more exposed to quarrels than a man of spirit”. This quote by Thomas Jefferson portrays Oedipus because throughout ‘Oedipus Rex’ he quarrels with everybody about he truth and becomes blind to it. By blinding himself Oedipus becomes a coward because he doesn’t want to face his crimes. It all started when Oedipus hears a dreadful prophecy that he will murder his father and sleep with his mother. He leaves Corinth and travels to Thebes, and on the way he unknowingly kills his father during a quarrel.
Victor had no reason to put his creation though such pain he just did it through pure selfishness. Victor is the real monster because he has no respect for his creation, abandoned him, and causes him to turn on his creator. The lack of respect towards the Monster is so horrendous that Victor's creation has every reason to be furious. The disrespect starts right when the monster was created, "[a] flash of
The fact that the pig went from being ‘in maternal bliss’ to ‘dim-eyed and grinning faintly’ is also terrifying, because they took something innocent and turned it into something wicked, which is essentially what happened to them. The point that tells the reader that the boys have completely lost their innocence and civility is the brutal, but accidental, murder of Simon. They let their fear warp their vision and ultimately killed their friend because of their ignorance to what the beast actually was. The flashes of lightening and chanting work the boys up
When Huck fakes his own murder, Pap seems to have feelings of regret but ultimately does not care as much as a father should. Because Pap does not take care of Huck like he should, karma affects him and he ends up dead inside a floating house. The King and the Duke portray villains because they always play mean tricks on people. The even have counterfeit names. The ‘Duke’, purely to receive preferential treatment from Huck and Jim,
Dear Prince, I beg of thee to drop or even minimize the charges towards Romeo Montague. Please do this task I ask you because even though Romeo killed Tybalt, it was out of revenge considering Tybalt was the one that killed. Tybalt also wanted to fight with Romeo, so Tybalt started this whole thing. The two families always hated each other, so it’s not like Romeo did it for no reason. I believe Romeo killed Tybalt because Tybalt was the killer of his best friend Mercutio.
The main conflict begins when Victor's brother is murdered and is blamed on a Justine. Victor knows that his creation killed his brother but is too self-centered to say anything to anyone else. Victor says, "The tortures of the accused did not equal mine" (93). This shows that he thinks that his inner mind is more important then being hung and dieing. After the death of Justine he Victor claims he had a "night of unmingled wretchedness" (79).
The narrator kills and old innocent man because of his eye. Police men came up to him and asked him few questions about the old man. The narrator kept lying to the police and thought they knew he was lying. The narrator was wrong, the police didn’t have a clue he was the one who the killed the old man. The narrator kept lying to the police; as a result, he feared that the police men would find out.