To What Extent Did the Governmental and Administrative Changes Introduced by Cromwell in the 1530’s Strengthen Royal Authority?

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In the 1530s Cromwell began to make many changes to different areas of Tudor government to try and strengthen royal authority. The different areas he made changes to, were the Privy Council, finance and local government. These changes strengthened and weakened royal authority in many ways. Firstly the changes Cromwell made to the Privy Council. The Privy Council previously called the Royal Council was considered the most important single element in the government. 227 royal councilors but only 40 members attended at one time, Cromwell changed things by appointing a clerk this was someone who made a note of attendance. There was transition to make less people members and other courts such as Court of Request and Court of the Star Chamber were now seen as separate. This strengthened royal authority as it made it more efficient. The fact there was less members made it easier. A reduction in the size of the Privy Council, which now acquired its own clerk and minute book to document and detail decisions. The Privy Council reduced in size to 19 members (and these were almost entirely officeholders - not old nobility). 19 members meant decisions could be made quicker and easier and the clerk documented any decisions the Privy Council made, meaning discussions were always documented to pass onto the king. Cromwell also made changes to finance. Institution of new departments of state to deal with both new and old revenues and powers of crown. Moreover, these institutions increasingly acted according to formalized rules. Cromwell reduced power of the Chamber and cut its links with the household. He set up new courts to deal with revenue: Augmentations (1536), Court of First fruits and tenths (1540), Court of Wards (1540) Court of General Surveyors (1542; this dealt with established crown lands). These changes strengthened royal authority as income was dealt with by
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