To Wear a Seat Belt Or Not To?

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English 100 Paper #2 3/31/10 To wear a Seat belt or not to, that is the question? Some people say im a careful driver, I don’t need to wear a seat belt. “The number one reason people don’t wear a seatbelt is because they say, “ It wont happen to me.” (Daon 1).” People cannot see the future or what is going to happen to them while driving so I don’t understand why some people even take the risk. Would you want to take a chance on your life? I know I wouldn’t. Seatbelts really are not a hard thing to wear and they take less than 4 seconds to put on. Something as simple as grabbing a small belt and placing it over your shoulder and clicking the lock in does not seem hard to me at all. I just don’t understand why some people just refused to do it. If a person doesn’t wear a seatbelt for a while I would say it will begin to turn into a habit ( Daon 1). One thing I cant stand is when you try to tell people to wear their seat belt and they look at you like you just said Western Kentucky University burnt down. I mean like I have said before it not hard to wear one. “More than 90 percent of all car owners believe safety belts are good idea, but less than 14 percent actually use them (Garret 1).” Some people just are not educated on the use of a seatbelt and just how they can completely save your live. Other people can have a negative outlook on seatbelt but still they could not give you a good reason for why they don’t like wearing them. “Approximately 35,000 people die in motor vehicle crashes each year. About 50 percent (17,000) of these people could be saved if they wore their safety belts (Garret 1).” The seat belt must be worn properly for the person riding to have full amount of safety. Seatbelts are to be tight not loose and to be across shoulder and chest ( Work 1). If seatbelt is behind chest then it

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