To Kill a Mockingbird Chap11-17

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Chapter 11 1. Why did the Finch children dislike passing by Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose's house? ← The Finch children disliked passing by Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose’s house because she always had something mean, and vicious to say about them. 2. Atticus advised his son to act like a gentleman toward whom? ← Atticus advised his son to act like a gentleman toward Mrs. Dubose. 3. What did Atticus do that made Scout think he was the bravest man who had ever lived? ← Atticus was polite and cordial toward Mrs. Dubose that made Scout think he was the bravest man who had ever lived. 4. TF Jem bought his sister a real baton. ← Jem bought his sister a real baton is true. 5. To show his wrath for Mrs. Dubose, what did Jem do? ← To show his wrath for Mrs. Dubose, Jem cut the tops off every camellia Bush Mrs. Dubose owned and proceeded to bend Scout’s new baton against his knee. 6. What did Jeremy have to do for one month? ← Jeremy had to read out loud for two hours a day to Mrs. Dubose for one month. 7. As a reward for completing their first day's session with Mrs. Dubose, what did Atticus bring the kids? ← As a reward for completing their first day’s session with Mrs. Dubose, Atticus brought the kids two yellow pencils for Scout and a football magazine for Jem. 8. TF Mrs. Dubose kicked the morphine habit. ← Mrs. Dubose kicked the morphine habit is true. 9. Atticus would have insisted that Jem read to Mrs. Dubose because he wanted his son to see an alternative view of what? ← Atticus would have insisted that jem read to Mrs. Dubose because he wanted his son to see an alternative view of what real courage is. Chapter 12 1. Why does Scout gravitate toward Calpurnia? ← Scout gravitates toward Calpurnia because Jem is growing up and spends increasing amounts of time alone with Dill. Scout finds herself helping Calpurnia

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