Tim Lott's Essay 'Manhood For Amateurs'

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Fathers The role a father plays in the family has changed drastically over the past few decades. The father no longer has a permanent role to play in the family; he is now playing a bigger role at home while still being dominant when it comes to the job market. This creates a lot of confusion. Some fathers adapt easy to this new varying role, but some fathers feel like they are loosing their masculinity because they have to apply some of the feminine values when nursing their son. The shifting role of the father is very controversial subject, and there is therefor a lot articles where people express their opinions on the subject. Some writers do this through humour and sarcasm like in the essay “For Father’s Day, I’d like to make a complaint.” by Tim Lott. In the essay he is jokingly writing about how hard it is for a father to do normal household things fx “I don’t know the names of all my children’s friends, or my wife’s for that matter”. He is using irony to show how ridiculous it is that fathers complain about learning some simple tasks that mothers do everyday. In the essay “Manhood for amateurs” by Michael Chabon discuss how the standards of being a father is incredibly low.…show more content…
But this is not something that happens overnight. This is something that will take years maybe decades to accomplish, because of the permanent role men have had throughout

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