Thurgood Marshall Short Biography

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Thurgood Marshall Thurgood Marshall was born in Baltimore Maryland on July 2, 1908. His mother was a teacher and his father was a railroad porter. He graduated high school a year early with a B average placing third in his class. He attended Lincoln University to become a lawyer. He later went to Howard University school of law graduating first in his class. His first major court case with a 1933 when he sued the University of Maryland to admit a young African American man named Donald Gaines Murray. He won the case. He later became the first African American justice of the Supreme Court. He died January 24, 1993. John F. Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on May 29th 1917 in Brooklyn Massachusetts from a long line distinguish people. He has eight brothers and sisters and he had four children of his own when he married Jacqueline Lee Boger. He served in the U.S. Navy and later became the President of the United…show more content…
She and eight other black teens enrolled in the newly desegregated Little Rock Central High School. On the first day when going she was followed by an angry mob and was unable to get inside that day. She was the first Black person to integrate a White southern high school. All of the cities schools were closed the following year so she was unable too graduate from Little Rock Central High. President Bill Clinton in 1999 presented the Congressional Gold Medal to the members of the Little Rock Nine. Martin Luther King Jr. King was born on January 15, 1929 and died April 4, 1968. One of the most well known leaders of the Civil Rights Movement King never used violence to get his message across. He was the leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. He received the Nobel peace prize. He also at the March of Washington made his famous "I Have a Dream Speech" He was assassinated but his deeds lived on. He has a day of the year named after him and a

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