Thomas Jefferson Vs. Alexander Hamilton

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United States History Proficiency Task Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson where two very important men in our nation’s history. Both had very strong opinions on topics such as: interpreting the constitution, the aristocracy of the United States, and how strong the state and national government should be. Of the two, Hamilton’s opinions toward our new nation’s government and policies were greater than Jefferson’s. “Alexander Hamilton believed in the importance of a strong central (national) government, and convinced Congress to use the Elastic Clause to pass far-reaching laws.” The Elastic Clause gave him the ability to pass all laws “necessary and proper,” such as paying off the nation’s debt, constructing the National Bank, and placing an import tariff as well as a whiskey tax. Jefferson and his republicans were believers in a strong state government. Jefferson wanted each state government to be responsible for their share in paying off the nation’s debt. Hamilton thought that the debt should be equally shared by the whole nation. Disagreements like these resulted in the creation of Hamilton’s Federalist party. Hamilton created his Federalist party to help promote his goals for the United States. Jefferson’s opposition party, the Republicans, “opposed Hamilton's urban, financial, industrial goals for the United States, and his promotion of extensive trade and friendly relations with Britain.” Their interpretation of the Constitution also was very different. Hamilton interpreted it very loosely and used the elastic clause to get what he wanted out of it, while Jefferson read and followed if very strictly. This is a reason Jefferson was against Hamilton’s plans. Thomas Jefferson didn’t like the idea of building a National Bank in the United States. He thought that it was better for the individual states to have their own currency and loans.

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