There 3 Important Parts to Our Life

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There are three important parts to our life’s direction they are vison, setting goals, plan of action. They each play a major role in our life journey. They help guide us through life so you can reach are dreams or vision you have set for ourselves. Vison is what you want out of life, your hopes and dreams that you have painted in your mind. You have to know what you want out of life this will helps us put into place what needs to be done so that we can accomplish our dreams. Once we know what we want for our future you need to set goals. Setting goals is another important part of our life’s direction. It will help you stay focused and it lets you know what needs to be done. Setting goals allow us to take control of our choices and actions. It’s important to set realistic goals short term and long term. Goals pay off it could be the simplest of goals like finishing your school work by Friday so that you have the weekend to spend with our love ones. Long terms goals are what you are working toward to see our vison turn into reality. When you accomplish a goal you are reminding yourself you are capable of accomplishing whatever you put your mind to. Now that you have your short term and long term goals defined that is when you need to make a plan of action this will help you reach your goals. Having a plan of action is important it will guide you from step to step. Having a plan helps you stay motivated, focused, and gives you structure. It lays out what you need to get done to reach you goals. If you are struggling to meet your goals this will help determine what you are struggling with so you can reevaluate the situation. When you have put these important steps into action you will be able to track your progress. Start your road for success and accomplish your dreams. This doesn’t mean you won’t wonder off the beaten path but it will sure make it easier to get

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