Theories of Development and Frameworks to Support Development Influence Current Practice

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2.3 Explain how theories of development and frameworks to support development influence current practice Theories of development: Cognitive Piaget was working on an intelligence test when he noticed that children consistently gave similar wrong answers to some questions, and he began to consider why this was. Piagets theory of learning is sometimes referred to as a constructivist approach. According to Piagets theory, there are four stages of learning, these are: Assimilation. In this stage the child constructs a theory (Schema) Equilibrium. The childs experiences so far seem to fit the schema, everything balances. Disequilibrium. Something happens that casts a doubt over the effectiveness of the schema, things don’t seem to add up anymore. Accommodation. The child changes the original schema to fit the new piece of information. Piaget showed that young children think in very different ways compared to adults. According to Piaget, children are born with a very basic mental structure which is genetically inherited and evolved, on which all subsequent learning and knowledge is based. There are three basic components to Piagets Cognitive theory which are: 1 Schemas. The building blocks of knowledge 2 Processes that enable the transition from one stage to another (Equilibrium, assimilation and accommodation) 3 Stages of development (Sensory motor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational) Piaget believed that these stage are universal, i.e. that the same sequence of development occurs in children all over the world, whatever their culture. Because of Piagets theories, preschools and schools have tried to give a more hands-on approach to learning, and teachers plan activities by working out the needs of the children. His work has also influenced the management of behaviour because he looked at morality from a childs point of view
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