Theories Of Childhood Obesity

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Childhood Obesity Parents are very much in denial when it comes to childhood obesity and how it relates to parent child relationships. There are many theories and reason why there is an increase in childhood obesity. One of those reasons is poor diets. More children have more access to unhealthy food with the increase in fast food restaurants. Also the lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle are causes for this epidemic. These causes and theories must be researched to give a concrete reason why. Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition that affects many adolescents and children. This issue is troubling because the extra pounds can start child on a path with problems with their health. Children with overweight and/or obesity run…show more content…
Being able to identify symptoms is vitally important when it comes to childhood obesity. It is not fact that every obese child has an issue with childhood obesity. Many children have larger than normal body frames. Along with this many children carry different amounts of body fat in their various stages of life normally. So you might not know just by looking at your child if his or her weight is a health concern. There are many tests that doctors can perform to make sure that if you child is obese or not. The doctor will consider the development history of the child and also the history of the family in checking out if the child will have health complications by looking at where the child lands on the growth charts. This can help determine if your child's weight is in an unhealthy range. There are many risk factors that play a role in a child in becoming overweight. Parenting efficacy effect childhood obesity plays a major role in these factors. Pediatric nurses who have seen…show more content…
Parenting self-efficacy has been previously researched and correlated with factors such as parental competence and satisfaction in studies related to child temperament, marital relationships, and situational stressors (Coleman & Karraker, 1997). Are parents being competent when it comes to their children being overweight? Gibaud-Wallston and Wandersman (1978) developed the parenting sense of competence (PSOC) scale to assess parent skill-knowledge and value comforting, also known as self-efficacy and satisfaction in parenting. The PSOC scale is a 17-item scale administered to families. This scale measures how efficient parents are when it comes to parenting their children. The PSOC has been use to look at parenting frustration, anxiety, and motivation in parenting. The results helped validate the use of the PSOC which is a sound scale for looking at parenting self-esteem, problem-solving ability, and ability in the parenting role. When parents understand how to judge their abilities to act is a direct influence on how they react to situations in their environment. In this they must look at how children are influenced by them when it comes to their actions. Parents that exhibit poor beliefs in their own competence level tend to give up easily due to their lack of
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