The Causes and Prevention of Childhood Obesity

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Running head: CHILDHOOD OBESITY 1 The Causes and Prevention of Childhood Obesity Patricia Stewart ENG 122 Prof. Craig Smith August 27, 2012 CHILDHOOD OBESITY 2 The Causes and Prevention of Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is a major cause for concern because it has become an epidemic in our society. The causes are surprising and concerning as well. There are multiple factors causing childhood obesity that can be prevented, which include health and lifestyle. According to the Journal of the American Academy of Physicians Assistants, “Obesity in childhood is influenced by social and familial factors as well as the child’s genetics and activity level” (Perplech; Russ; Rizzolo; Sedrak, 2011). The medical conditions that contribute to childhood obesity are due to genetics. There are certain conditions that can cause it, which include gestational diabetes in the mother of the unborn fetus, a condition called Prader-Willi-Syndrome, metabolic disorders, Cushing Syndrome, and hypothyroidism (Perplech; Russ; Rizzolo; Sedrak, 2011). During an interview with a women’s health practice, according to the doctors there, gestational diabetes can cause childhood obesity and a large baby if the mother does not control her diet, keep track of her blood sugar, follow doctor’s orders, and take the medications prescribed by the doctor when needed (McGrail; Fetterolf; Ham; Fackler, 2008; 2010). When children have these conditions they are more likely to become obese. According to the article Prader-Willi-Syndrome, “Prader-Willi-syndrome is a highly variable genetic disorder affecting multiple systems”
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