Themes in Daisy Miller

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Theme: In the story of Daisy Miller, there are many themes. But, the most reoccurring theme in the book is American Society vs. European Society. Daisy Miller, coming from America was definitely raised differently from people in Europe. Throughout the story, Daisy continually does things that are against the European code of ethics, such as flirting and being seen with multiple young men at the same time. She is continually talked about around the town. But, she doesn’t know any better for the fact she was not raised in Europe, and despite many warnings by Winterbourne, she continues her behavior. Irony: In the story, there is numerous accounts of irony. The fact that Daisy refuses to take her pills, “I don’t care,” said Daisy in a little strange tone, “whether I have Roman fever or not!” p.(47) actually leads to her getting the Roman Fever, and she ends up dying. Symbolism: In Daisy Miller, the characters are used in symbolism. In the way that there is a connection between illness and the characters. The characters that conform to the rules of the European society are in good health, such as Winterbourne, Mrs. Walker, Giovanelli, Randolph, and even Eugenio. But, the characters who don’t obey the rules are very sick. For example, Mrs. Costello, who doesn’t socialize and meet others, is very sick with many diseases. Another example is Daisy Miller, who flirts with numerous young men and is seen with more than one in public. In the story she eventually catches Roman Fever and dies. Setting: As with all good stories, they need a setting. The setting of the story is in Vevey, Switzerland, which is on the shores of Lake Geneva. The second part of the story takes place in Rome, Italy. In both parts, it takes place in the years of the 1870’s. Conflict: Just like setting, a story needs conflict. In the case of Daisy Miller, the conflict in the story is Daisy Miller’s
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