Theme Of Violence In Huckleberry Finn

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3/5/12 Violence in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn It is human folly to believe at times that violence is the only way out of a situation. Every day, people are hurt, and consequences are faced because of this mindset. In Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain uses satire to show that violence is not an acceptable form of resolution. Using violence to solve arguments is a motif that Twain satirizes throughout The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to demonstrate that violence is not an acceptable form of resolve. After Huck and Jim get separated from each other Huck seeks refuge with the Grangerfords, who are engaged in a serious feud with their neighbors. Buck Grangerford describes the dispute as “A man has a quarrel with another man, and kills him; then that other man’s brother kills him… and by and by everybody gets killed off, and there ain’t no more feud,” (108). In this quote, Twain is satirizing that the acceptable way to solve an argument is to kill everyone involved. When everyone is dead…show more content…
The first impression the reader gets of Pap is not a good one, one of his first comments towards Huck is “I’ll take to down like a peg before I get done with you,” (19). This passage shows that Pap is not afraid to Huck. Twain is satirizing that threatening to use violence towards children is a tolerable form of getting what a parent wants. Pap then shows his true colors when he “chases [Huck] round the place with a clasp knife… and [says] he would kill [Huck],” (29). In this part of the novel, Twain uses satire to extremes when he satirizes that using violence against a parents own child is acceptable. In the next few chapters, Pap is found dead, which alludes to the fact that Twain believes violence is an unacceptable form of resolution. Twain characterizes Pap using satire to show that violence is not an acceptable form of
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