Theme Of Failure In The Great Gatsby

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“The Great Gatsby” Essay 2 “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald shows many sides to the character of Jay Gatsby, one of these many themes that he uses throughout the novel is the theme of failure, which is used effectively by the writer. This theme is used in many cases to involve different characters and without this the novel would simply not work. One of these cases is his relationship with a character called Daisy. Gatsby has known Daisy for a long time and has previously had a relationship with her. This ended through Daisy’s love for wealthy men, which Gatsby is not at this point. He loses her which then spirals him into a long five year quest to reclaim her. He has to totally re-invent himself to achieve this goal. This then defines his first failure by losing the girl he loves; this then is the starting chain reaction to make the Jay Gatsby that is shown in the novel. At the start of the novel Nick, the main character, sees Gatsby standing looking at the east Egg dock where there is a green light that is barley visible. "Possibly it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever. Compared to the great distance that had separated him from Daisy it has seemed very near…show more content…
The failure in him gaining this wealth is that it is through criminal activity. We are given hints to this throughout the novel “Who are you, anyhow?” broke out Tom. “You’re one of that bunch that hangs around with Meyer Wolfshiem—that much I happen to know. I’ve made a little investigation into your affairs—and I’ll carry it further tomorrow.” This is where Tom accuses him of his criminal behaviour. This shows how obvious it is that Gatsby has criminal connections and affairs. Even though Gatsby has wealth he does not fit into the society that he is so ever desperate to get
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