In fact it would be odd for someone who lost power to not want it back. However, Prospero goes about getting his power back by means of revenge. This brings us to one of Peter Hulmes central topics of discussion. Hulme refers to Prospero’s play in specific, noting that it is a project. Directly speaking, to complete this project Prospero’s main objective requires, “A presentation that maneuvers Alonso physically and psychologically so that his son’s miraculous return from the dead will be so bound up with Ferdinand’s love for Miranda that Alonso will be in no position to oppose the Union” (Hulme 233).
When Hitler came to power within Germany in the 1930s he aimed to bring all German speaking people under one great empire and that Germans were the master race who were superior to Jews and Slavs this showed the aggressive nature of Germans foreign policy because for Hitler to bring all German speaking people into one great empire it would mean having to invade territory she had lost from ww1. Mussolini also looked to recreate an empire as powerful as the roman empire and he believed that conquering foreign territory was a sign of a great nation and great power. Italy and Germany both believed in ideology that glorified the military and believed that war was an acceptable way of accomplishing their goals. This caused both Hitler and Mussolini to create aggressive foreign policies to distract the citizens living in the countries of the terrible
Filled with rage Chryses prays to Lord Apollo. This fills the Lord with rage and he punishes the Greek camp. Later in book I Achilles asks Agamemnon to withdraw from the war, but he refuses. This make Achilles feel insulted and dishonored. Later Agamemnon agrees to free Chryses’s daughter for Achilles prize.
As a result of Frankenstein's reckless ambitions, he commits acts of injustice by casting away the creature and labelling it "wretched and abhorred." The creature's melancholy speech towards Frankenstein is reflective of the suicide note written by Shelley's half sister Fanny Godwin; "The existence of a being whose birth was unfortunate" and the creature "yet you, my creator, detest and spurn me." Not only is the creature's abandonment reflective of Shelley's half sister, but also of her father William Godwin's abandonment of Shelley herself. This creates skepticism, as to who is the real monster; Frankenstein or the creature? Furthermore, Scott highlights the lack of ethical and moral responsibility of the parent in Blade Runner through Tyrell and the replicants, specifically Roy Batty.
As Lysistrata waits for the women of neighboring Sparta, Thebes and the surrounding areas to arrive she curses the weakness of women and questions why women have to be the weaker sex. Lysistrata asks the women of Athens to refrain from sex with their husbands in order to sexually starve their husbands into submission, forcing them to end the war. Once the women from the surrounding areas finally got together Lysistrata asked the women to swear an oath that they would withhold sex from their husbands until both sides of the conflict signed a treaty of peace. In Lysistrata there are two major factions, each of the factions is led by an elder called a Koryphaios, the choruses of Old Men and Old Women. A major comical battle takes place between the two factions, the men and the women.
In this play, the Queen of the Goths, Tamora seeks revenge against Andronicus family when they show no mercy and murder her sons. In the same way, Titus Andronicus who is a famous general in Rome seeks revenge against Tamora and the emperor of Rome, Saturninus for murdering his sons. In addition to this, Tamora’s sons, Demetrius and Chiron shows no mercy to Titus’s daughter, Lavinia which opens themselve upto revenge. Therefore, in Titus Andronicus, William Shakespeare demonstrates that when justice and mercy fail, revenge flourishes. In his play, Shakespeare shows that when the well-known general of Rome, Titus, does not show mercy to Tamora’s eldest son, Alarbus, one of his Goth war prisoner, Tamora then seeks revenge.
..She married! Oh such wicked speed! To hop so nimbly into an incestuous bed!’ (1.2.57) Hamlet shows his disgust towards Gertrude for her actions. “You cannot call it love…..when the compulsive ardour gives the charge…3.2.75-95. In addition, Claudius is again disloyal to Hamlet when he colludes with Laertes to kill him.
In the beginning of Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus faces the difficult decision of whether or not to kill his close friend, Caesar. Brutus desperately wanted a way to get Caesar out of his potential tyranny peacefully; this, however, was impossible for Brutus to do. Caesar was becoming corrupted with power. Brutus couldn’t let the people of Rome suffer in this way. Through lots of plotting, Brutus creates a conspiracy with the Senate to kill the ruler.
Thesis statement Gladiator is a historical epic movie. The film is based in Rome, and displays controversy towards the running of the Roman Empire by the emperor Commodus. Maximus on the other hand wants Rome to be returned to the people, and he tries to fulfill the wishes of Marcus Aurelius who was the previous emperor, but was murdered. Introduction Gladiator is set in 180 AD, and uses actual historical personages and events for background. The events that transpire in the film are largely fictional, but they blend in well with the known facts.
In Book I, Aeneas is trying to fulfill his fate by establishing a new home in Italy. While on his journey to Italy, Aeneas and his people are forced to suffer even more at the hands of Juno. Juno resents Aeneas because there is a prophecy that claims the ancestors of Troy will one day destroy her favorite city, Carthage. She also abhors the Trojans because Paris, a mortal Trojan, did not pick her to win a beauty contest between three Goddesses. Consequently, Juno will do whatever it takes to change the promising fates of Aeneas and his people.