The Value of Ethics

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The value of Ethics Similarities and disimilarities between virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics compare considering the various schools of thought in ethics. Virtue ethics traces its roots to the demand of excellence in what one does and what others do. Virtue ethics deals with the praiseworthy character that the virtuous individual exhibits. Philosophers of virtue theory believe that an individual can only exhibit consistent virtuous characteristics because of the core nature of morality the individual possesses. The challenge with virtue theory is the question of whether one should be subject to judgment as good or bad on the basis of a single an action. Many virtue theorists believe that a longer look at a person’s historical character is a fairer platform to judge such an individual. An individual feels some sense of happiness when he or she does something good. What brings happiness to an individual in virtue theory strives to bring happiness to the entire group in utilitarianism. This is similar to the corporate responsibility for multinational organizations to produce more good than bad for the host countries (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). Utilitarianism focuses on the happiness of society through the actions of individuals. Utilitarianism thrives on the duty of individuals to promote the common good of the public. The duty-consciousness in utilitarianism is like the duty-call of deontological ethics. Some philosophers claim that virtue ethics and utilitarianism derive from the human nature that necessarily seeks happiness. In utilitarianism, an action is morally appropriate only as long as the action is team-oriented and such an action seeks the wellbeing of the group. The end of utilitarianism is the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Utilitarianism fits the moral inclinations of many people (Boylan, 2009). Virtue
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