The US Constitution: The Seven Principles Of Government

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The U.S. Constitution has many principles, but there are seven major or core principles that are reflected within the Constitution. The government decided to base the Constitution on the seven principles of government, including the following, Limited Government, Republicanism, Checks and Balances, Federalism, Separation of Powers, Popular Sovereignty, and Individual Rights. The Constitution includes a Bill of Rights and many amendments that include these seven principles of government. Limited Government is defined as the government has only the power the Constitution gives it. One example would be that a police officer cannot search your house without a warrant. Just like in the 4th amendment which states that everyone has protection from unlawful searches and seizures. A second example would be checks and balances because when an individual right is listed in the Constitution it is a limit on the government’s power over the individual. Republicanism is when citizens elect representatives to carry out their will.…show more content…
All powers not expressly given to the national government stays or resides with the states. A shared power or law of the national and state governments is taxation. A few powers that are delegated to the national or federal government are declaring war, coining money and admitting new states. A few powers that are delegated to the states are conducting elections, making marriage and divorce laws and setting speed limits. Separation of Powers is the division of power between the three branches of government- legislative, executive, and judicial. Baron de Montesquieu believed that no one branch of government should have too much power. When congress passes a law, the Supreme Court declares it constitutional or unconstitutional. The Constitution separates the powers among the three branches so no one person or group can control the government. The power is distinct, but
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