How the Constitution Protected Against Tyranny

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In May of 1787 fifty-five individuals gathered for the constitutional convention in Philadelphia. The issue that was discussed in this convention was how the constitution guard's against tyranny, or absolute power in the hands of one person or party. Many solutions were discussed however I believe that separation of powers, and federalism provided the best protection against tyranny. Federalism was the stepping stone used when it came to solving the problem of preventing tyranny. James madison said "hence a double security arises to the rights of people the different government's will each control each other ,and at the same time each will be controlled by themselves" which simply states that Federalism prevented tyranny by dividing the power between the nation and the state. With no one power having control over the other tyranny was prevented ,once delegates decided that Federalism would be the base of our government they went to work and decided that a separation of powers was the next step. ("") In the beginning stages of fixing this issue it was said that "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." (James Madison)(""), which in a nutshell means that to much power can not be placed in the hands of an individual or a group because either way it's tyranny. In oder to prevent this separation of powers was brought into play with a set of checks and balances that prevented the legislative, executive, and judiciary each power over the other. An example of this would be if representatives in congress became corrupt saying that everyone must fore fit there money to them, this could not happen and be prevented because the executive branch can
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