The Treaty of Versailles Past Paper Questions (a)

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HISTORY REVISION 5 MARK QUESTIONS PRACTICE (A) ON TREATY OF VERSAILLES: What were the main terms of The Treaty of Versailles? War guilt was one of the main terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Clause 231 made Germany accept full war guilt. Reparations was another main term. The amount of compensation that Germany should pay France was not determined at this conference, but later on the amount was decided. What is more, German colonies and main industrial territories became mandates ruled by the League of Nations. The setting up of the League of Nations was another main achievement. Germany’s armed forces were also dramatically reduced to 100 000 men, 6 battleships, banned conscription and no vehicles, submarines or aircraft. What was the War Guilt Clause? The War Guilt Clause was a main term of the Treaty of Versailles. It was clause number 231 and it blamed only Germany for the outbreak of war. This was one of the main terms that Germany was very unhappy about, as imperialism from many other countries had contributed to war. Germany had to accept this clause and couldn’t discuss it, as it was not invited to this conference. Germans called this a ‘diktat’, dictated peace. As they were not able to discuss anything, they were forced to the term agreed. What were Reparations? France had been the most devastated country of the war, and as Clause 231 put the whole blame for the outbreak of war on Germany, it has to pay compensation (a determined amount of money decided later) to France. America thought $22 billion was a reasonable amount. Britain argued for $120. Clemenceau, French leader, was the harshest and argued for $200. In the end, a Reparations Commission was set up and decided. What was meant by the following i. mandates ii. Plebiscites? A good example to explain both places was the Saarland. The Saarland was decided to become a mandate, which means that
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