The Role Of Homelessness In The US

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Homeless People in the US Everest University 2013 When you think about homeless people do you think of the US? When I was young, I thought of homeless people being from Africa. You were always hearing about them starving in African on a daily to weekly bases. But you rarely heard of it in the United States. When I was a child, I never seen a homeless person. But I remember the first time I had seen one, it made me really sad. I was in a McDonalds in Indiana; this man came in for his free daily coffee. The cashier greeted him with a smile. My older brother was with me, he said to the other cashier “some people shouldn’t be allowed in places like this when they don’t take baths, it’s just nasty”. The cashier gave him the worst look I had seen anyone give a person and said “how dare you say that about a homeless Army Vet”. My brother’s mouth dropped and he said “he’s homeless; I didn’t know we had homeless people”. Right then I took my food over to his table, gave it to him, I said “Enjoy”. The man…show more content…
And you wonder how these people can do this every day of their life. Everyone goes on with their little happy life’s not thinking twice about a person who is hungry every day in this world. The cause of a lot of homeless people are not enough jobs, not enough houses or houses you can afford I should say. People complain everyday about what they get paid but if you put a homeless person in that job they wouldn’t care what they got paid as long as they got a meal for that day. That is what is wrong with this world today. To many people think that they should get better because of where they came from, and they look down on everyone else who isn’t like

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