The Role of Exercise in the Promotion of Good Health

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1.0 ARTICLE FROM DIFFEREN SOURCES ON EXERCISE 1.1 BOOK THE ROLE OF EXERCISE IN THE PROMOTION OF GOOD HEALTH There is much research to support the belief that appropriate forms of physical activity can reduce the risk and severity of many disorder (Hardman, 1996); in addition, exercise is reported to help control of related problems such as stress. Therefore, inactivity itself is considered to be a health risk by many authorities (Blair et al., 1995), who recommend the participation in appropriate forms of exercise as a means of promoting or maintaining health (Astrand and Grimby, 1986; Fentem et al., 1988, 1990; Bouchard, 1989; bouchard et al., 1994). In general, research into the topic of health and exercise aims to determine whether there is a definite relationship between the regular participation in physical activity and the development and maintenance of good health. However, as is often the case with research into human epidemiology, the complexities of disease and the human lifestyle make the reported benefits of exercise difficult to prove without exception. Therefore, whilst there is an undoubted relationship between exercise and health, the proof of the causes and effect is often open to debate. Critics of exercise suggest that, rather than regular exercise promoting good health, it is only those who are predisposed to good health that are inclined to exercise. In addition, many of the critics of exercise disparage its benefits by pointing to the incidence of exercise-induced injury (Solomon, 1985). In reality, significant exercise-induced injuries are relatively infrequent and, when they do occur, are often due to the individual either undertaking form of exercise that are inappropriate for their physical condition or failing to adhere to certain safety aspect associated with the exercise. Thus the advocates of exercise would still suggest that most

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