The Role Of Age Discrimination In Health And Social Care

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The Equality and Human Rights Commission -s Discrimination and your rights The EHRC is responsible for upholding the rights of individuals and tackling instances of discrimination. The organisation Community Legal Advice has produced a leaflet that provides guidance on your rights and how you can challenge discrimination. • Community Legal Advice's, 'Equal Opportunities: Dealing with Discrimination' Opens new window Sex and gender equality Unlawful sex discrimination is when someone is treated unfairly because of their gender. Women, men and transsexual people can all experience sex discrimination. Sex discrimination also includes treating someone less favourably because they are married or in a civil partnership…show more content…
• Age discrimination (employment section) • Changes to age discrimination for over 50s (over 50s section) • Employment rights for young people (young people section) Sexual orientation and discrimination The EHRC provides information and advice in relation to discrimination due to an individual's sexual orientation, or perceived orientation, or the sexual orientation of those they associate with. A guide has been produced by Acas (the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) for employers and employees on sexual orientation in the workplace. • Acas guide: 'Sexual Orientation and the Workplace' Opens new window Discrimination in different settings The EHRC also provides information and guidance on discrimination and your rights in specific settings. The advice covers the following areas: • health and social care • housing and property • justice and the legal system • learning and

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